Diary Entry - 02/24/1983

Key Facts
President Reagan meets with the National Security Planning Group to discuss increasing military aid to El Salvador.
President Reagan is presented with the "Minuteman of the Year" award in a ceremony given by the Reserve Officers Association.
President Reagan hosts a reception for the American Legion Auxiliary.
Started early 8:30 with a live telecast for several meetings around the world (business leaders) staged on 50th anniversary of News Week mag. Met with 150 local & state officials to tell them about our proposal for 4 mega block grants. Very well received. Cabinet Council on deregulating natural gas—I’ve decided to go for it. N.S.P.G. meeting re El Salvador—we must step up aid or we’re going to lose this one. I OKd that, too. Reserve Officers Assn. came by & presented me with “Minute Man Award.” Reception for Am. Legion Auxiliary. Told them my position on why we must notify parents when under age girls seek contraceptives etc. at family planning centers. I’m being assailed as violating privacy of these kids. I say govt. is invading the rights of parents to put itself between them & their children. The ladies enthusiastically agreed with me—I’m happy to say. Nancy is in L.A. now—I’ll join her at the ranch Monday.