Diary Entry - 02/23/1984

Key Facts
President Reagan speaks with William Holsclaw, a 12 year old from Jean, NV, who saved the lives of his two younger brothers from their burning house.
President Reagan meets with the Cabinet Council on Management.
President Reagan is presented with the West Point 1983 yearbook.
One of those days—when one thing ran into another—still it was pleasant. Met with Nat. Leaders re School Discipline. I assured them I’d keep hammering on the subject. Went over to E.O.B. & spoke briefly to about 200 representatives of our Asian Americans. They are good people & sound Americans. Back to the Oval office & lunch with about 40 publishers of leading national magazines. Strange—some of their mag’s. kick my head off in the current issues but these publishers are all gung ho for me & what we’re doing. I wish they’d talk to their writers. Dick Wirthlin came in with latest pollings. I can only say I wish the election was tomorrow. Cab. Council on Management. Joe Wright & his gang are doing a h--l of a job on moving govt. management practices toward the kind of efficiency we find in pvt. business. The govt. is absolutely the worst managed business in the world. Our pay roll practices etc. are out of the last century. But we’re getting a handle on it. Rest of day was administrative time which means I was made a member (for life) of the Purple Heart org. Then some West Point cadets presented me with the 1983 year book. Variety Club came & made me a lifetime member. Olaf Weighurst & his wife presented me with a magnificent Lithograph of one of his paintings & finally I met the new head of the Independent Business men & women. Lew Lehrman came by with some disturbing info about Paul Volcker & his strong belief that we should slow our business growth. Paul is obsessed with a fear of returning inflation & according to Lew would seek to use the Fed. to slow our recovery. Finally home & mother.