Diary Entry - 02/22/1983

Key Facts
President Reagan meets with Prime Minister Edward Seaga of Jamaica.
President Reagan is presented with the American Legion Distinguished Service Medal.
At a joint news conference with President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt, Sudan's President Mohammed al-Nemery confirms US. reports of a plot by Libya to overthrow his government.
A full day. Met with P.M. Seaga of Jamaica. He’s having a hard time getting the island back on sound ec. basis after several years of Manley & his left wing pro Cuban policies. Then to the Hilton to address the Nat. Confederation of Am. Legion. Well received. Was awarded their highest medal. Back to the W.H.—cabinet meeting about trade policies & how to straighten out what seems to be an overlap between Trade Rep.—Commerce Dept. Agri. & several others. Reception for members & contributors of several conservative organizations. Dinner with Maureen & Dennis.