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Diary Entry - 02/21/1984

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 02-21-1984

Key Facts

  • President Reagan meets with Republican Members of Congress to discuss reducing the 1985 Budget.

  • President Reagan receives the "Rose of Assisi" for his peace efforts from the Mayor of Assisi, Italy and two monks from St. Francis of Assisi's monastery.

  • President Reagan receives the report from the Commission on Security and Economic Assistance.

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Met with Repub. Cong. leadership. To my surprise—back from their 10 day recess they were all cooled down about Lebanon. When they left town they thought Lebanon was the biggest issue on hand. When I suggested doing a T.V. speech to explain it they said no let it lay. Mayor of Assisi Italy & 2 monks from St. Francis of Assisi’s monastery came to present me with the “Rose of Assisi” for my peace efforts. I’m greatly honored. An issues lunch then to the East Room to receive report of Commission on Security & Ec. Assistance. Then 2 hours of practice for tomorrow nights Press Conf. Nancy is in N.Y til tomorrow P.M. so I’m here in the W.H. rattling around.

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