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Diary Entry - 02/19/1985

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 02-19-1985

Key Facts

  • President Reagan meets with veterans of the 28th Marine Regiment on the 40th anniversary of their landing on Iwo Jima.

  • President Reagan attends a National Security Council meeting to discuss the upcoming trip to Canada.

  • Some 150 passengers are killed when a Spanish jetliner crashed approaching Bilbao, Some 150 passengers were killed when a Spanish jetliner crashed approaching Bilbao, Spain.

View the President's Schedule
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Now back to work. Met with staff—did some planning on schedule etc. In the East room I presented Nat. Technology Awards to 14 top people. We had an N.S.C. meeting to prepare for our Canadian trip. Then a meeting with the 1982 Congressional (Repub.) freshman class. They were all re-elected in 1984. So we had a class photo taken—what else?

Finished the day again in the East Rm. meeting with the 28th Marine Reg. that landed on Iwo Jima 40 yrs. ago. They with their wives & some family are in Wash. in observance of Iwo Jima day. It was a most heartwarming occasion.

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