Diary Entry - 02/18/1986

Key Facts
President Reagan participates in an off-the-record luncheon in the Oval Office study with Arnaud de Borchgrave, Editor in Chief for the Washington Times.
President Reagan participates in a Domestic Policy Council meeting.
Back to work. Met with G.O.P. Congressional leadership—subject, Nicaragua. We’re starting our campaign to get approval from Cong. for Covert aid to the “Contras.” It isn’t going to be easy. The Sandinistas have a disinformation program that has fooled a lot of people—some want to be fooled.
Then an N.S.C. meeting to talk about our upcoming visit by P.M. Mulroney of Canada. He’s had some bad times and we will send him home with some good news for his people. An off the record lunch with Jack Kilpatrick, Bob Novak & Arnaud de Borchgrave. It was a good jam session. A photo with Curtis Mack (a new appointee) then over to the Dr’s. for some blood for the Grenada trip. Then a long Domestic Policy Council meeting. Main subject the “Report on Acid Rain” by our two envoys (U.S.) Drew Lewis & Clark of Canada. It’s a tough one—we need to go forward but the report calls for expenditures we cant make at this time. Another meeting with Congressional types (both parties). Again the subject same as this morning. Back in the Oval O. to accept papers from 5 new Ambas’s. to our country.
Upstairs for another lonely night—just me & Rex. Nancy will be home tomorrow.