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Diary Entry - 02/17/1983

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 02-17-1983

Key Facts

  • President Reagan meets with US Representative to the United Nations Jeane Kirkpatrick.

  • President Reagan announces "Project Transport," a project to help handicapped workers get to their jobs.

  • Senator Gary Hart of Colorado declares himself a candidate for the 1984 Democratic presidential election.

View the President's Schedule
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The leaks re Lybia [Libya] are all over the place. We’re stonewalling. Met with Ann G. She’s really uptight. I’m reassured there has been no hanky panky because she wants us to give up on exec. privilege & turn the documents in question over to Congress. We are trying to work out a deal whereby members of the Committee can see them but we preserve the principle of E.P. so we dont set up a pattern where they’ll think all they have to do is raise h--l & Presidents will cave in. Jeanne K. reported on her trip to Central America. A grim story. Our Ambas. Hinton under the direction of the same kind of St. Dept. bureaucrats who made Castro possible are screwing up the situation in El Salvador. I’m now really mad. Bill C. is bringing George S. up to date & then I’m determined heads will roll beginning with Ambas. Hinton.

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