Diary Entry - 02/17/1981

Key Facts
The Reagan administration receives backing for its plan to send military and economic aid to EI Salvador following the briefing of a bipartisan group of senators and representatives by Secretary of State Alexander Haig.
President Reagan discusses the grain embargo against the Soviets; acknowledges that making concessions without a Quid Pro Quo might send the wrong message.
Pope John Paul II criticizes the Philippines on Human Rights related violations.
Met with Congressmen & Sens. on grain embargo. Those from farm states want it lifted. I explained we’d made no decision but while I was against the embargo we had to worry about making a concession to the Soviets without some Quid Pro Quo. It might send a wrong message. Tip had last word & it was a good one. He told me I was Pres. and had to think of all the states. The gist was—was lifting the embargo good for the U.S. and our security vis-a vis the Soviets.