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Diary Entry - 02/16/1985

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 02-16-1985

Key Facts

  • President Reagan makes a Radio Address to the Nation on Central America.

  • President Reagan speaks with President Hafiz al - Assad of the Syrian Arab Republic to discuss the recent escape of an American hostage held by terrorists in Lebanon.

View the President's Schedule
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As always (but even more so) a wonderful 3 days (the 4th day was travel day we left the ranch at 9:30 A.M.

Thurs. was a record breaking day all over S. Calif.—90° in Santa Barbara & L.A. (a record). It was almost 80° at the ranch but that wonderful dry Calif. warmth. It was also, I believe, the clearest day we’ve ever seen there. The islands were without any haze—also the Santa Ynez Valley. The next 2 days were not quite as clear but still warm & magnificent. Barney, Dennis & I as usual spent the afternoons cutting wood and cleaning up brush.

There were a few duties—phone call to King Fahd. Cap. W. says King told him our meeting was best he’s ever had with a Head of State. Newsman Levin, one of hostages held in Lebanon by terrorists escaped and was taken in by [. . .] He’s home in U.S.A. now. I called Pres. Assad (Syria) to thank him. He says he’s trying to arrange return of the other 4. We’ll see. Now we’re back in Wash. with a holiday (Presidents day) then back to work.

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