Diary Entry - 02/14/1985

Key Facts
President Reagan spends the day cleaning brush and making phone calls at the Ranch.
CNN reporter Jeremy Levin, who is being held hostage by extremists in Lebanon, escapes.
As always (but even more so) a wonderful 3 days (the 4th day was travel day we left the ranch at 9:30 A.M.
Thurs. was a record breaking day all over S. Calif.—90° in Santa Barbara & L.A. (a record). It was almost 80° at the ranch but that wonderful dry Calif. warmth. It was also, I believe, the clearest day we’ve ever seen there. The islands were without any haze—also the Santa Ynez Valley. The next 2 days were not quite as clear but still warm & magnificent. Barney, Dennis & I as usual spent the afternoons cutting wood and cleaning up brush.
There were a few duties—phone call to King Fahd. Cap. W. says King told him our meeting was best he’s ever had with a Head of State. Newsman Levin, one of hostages held in Lebanon by terrorists escaped and was taken in by [. . .] He’s home in U.S.A. now. I called Pres. Assad (Syria) to thank him. He says he’s trying to arrange return of the other 4. We’ll see. Now we’re back in Wash. with a holiday (Presidents day) then back to work.