Diary Entry - 02/13/1982

Key Facts
A US military advisor in El Salvador is ordered home after being seen on film carrying an M-16 rifle in violation of regulations.
A civil court judge in El Salvador orders five former national guardsmen held for further investigation of the murders of three Roman Catholic nuns and a lay co-worker in December 1980.
In Guatemala a Xococ patrol ordered villagers from Rio Negro to bring their identification cards. Seventy-three villagers obeyed and were killed.
A nice long walk in the fresh snow. They’ve put a couple of bird feeders (at Nancy’s request) outside the windows. It’s a contest between the squirrels & the birds but I guess they all do fine. Ran “Inchon”—it is a brutal but gripping picture about the Korean War and for once we’re the good guys & the Communists are the villains. The producer was Japanese or Korean which probably explains the preceding sentence.