Diary Entry - 02/12/1985

Key Facts
President Reagan has breakfast with the King of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Fahd bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud to discuss the Middle East peace plan.
President Reagan attends a Cabinet Council meeting to discuss the clean up of toxic waste dumps.
Brkfst. was a big plus. We talked of our mid east peace plan. He is agreeable to backing King Hussein and I think he sees merit in our proposals. He’s also going to increase the funding he is secretly giving the Contras in Nicaragua.
We had a luncheon for about 90 top scientific figures from everything from medicine to high tech. Very interesting.
Cabinet Council took up matter of what our alternatives are in cleaning up toxic waste dumps. Some would have us use the Superfund to do any & everything with regard to environment. That could become a giant boondoggle. I favor a fund of about $1.1 Bil. a year strictly for the toxic waste dumps. Presented a citizens medal to John Rogers—youngest man ever to serve on W.H. exec. staff. He’s done a fantastic job on refurbishing the E.O.B. & the W.H. among other accomplishments. Dick Wirthlin came by with new figures—they hold up well although there has been some slippage in areas where media & opponents have been propagandizing.
Just saw a fund raising letter signed by Tip O’Neill for Dem. Cong. Committee. It is the most vicious pack of lies I’ve ever seen. It’s aimed at Sr. Citizens & has me out to destroy Medicare & Soc. Security. We cant let him get by with this. Tomorrow off to Calif.