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Diary Entry - 02/12/1983

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 02-12-1983

Key Facts

  • President Reagan is informed by Deputy Assistant for National Security Affairs McFarlane and Vice President Bush that Libyan leader, Colonel Gaddafi, is planning air action against Sudan.

  • Representative Phil Gramm of Texas wins election to Congress as a Republican after resigning January 5 to switch parties.

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Found out some of our people stayed in West Wing all night rather than try to go home. Near 5 P.M. temperatures in the 40’s. Snow has been melting but still too deep to see any lawn. George B. & Bud McFarlane came by to tell me Neimeri of Sudan cites a reliable source that Khadafy is planning air action against Sudan to coincide with insurgent attacks from the South. We have A.W.A.C.S. planes available over Egypt to vector Egyptian planes if this proves reliable. George and Obie Shultz coming to dinner & we’ve run a movie.

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