Diary Entry - 02/11/1987

Key Facts
President Reagan meets with Special Counsel to the President David Abshire to discuss a falsified tape.
President Reagan meets with Secretary of State George Shultz to discuss a plan to get the Soviet pianist Vladimir Feltsman out of Russia.
Learned this A.M. that a tape has turned up & been revealed to Tower commission & the Sen. investigation. It is complete fiction. It has Ollie North telling the Iranians that he’s held meetings with me at Camp David and that I was willing to go all out with arms deliverys in order to get our hostages back & I wanted Iran to win the war. I OKd (according to the tape) providing Iran with strategy & intelligence to help them beat Iraq. I’m also said to have wanted Husayne [Hussein] of Iraq to abdicate & because of my support for Khomeini.
Later in morning met with Abshire and told him the tape was complete fiction. There have been no meetings with North at Camp D. He’s never been there while I’ve been President.
Another part of the tape said I went away to pray for 2 days & brought back the bible with my favorite verse & my signature inscribed on the fly leaf. That’s the bible John P. asked me to sign in the Oval O. and to copy the verse which was supposed to be the favorite verse of one of the Iranians. The bible was then delivered to Rafsanjani.
Later in the day I met with the Tower commission & told them it was a complete fabrication.
In between times I addressed (at E.O.B.) a group of people on Welfare reform—they were individuals who’ve been engaged in private welfare operations.
Later in afternoon I met with George S. He’s working on a plan to get Feltsman (the piano player) out of Russia. We also discussed a pol. plan for Central America to show that we would like a pol. settlement of the Nicaragua mess. Had a couple of tiny red spots on my nose frozen in case they are beginning of basal cell carcinomas—Upstairs for the night—the last one alone. Nancy gets home tomorrow.