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Diary Entry - 02/10/1982

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 02-10-1982

Key Facts

  • President Reagan writes in his diary that he wants to “do a speech about the need to bring the Americas together."

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Short day but long N.S.C. meeting. Subject should I or shouldn’t I make a Nat. speech re our Central American problems. Worry of the “no’s” is that I’ll sound like we’re going to war over El Salvador or Cuba. I finally said I thought we should do a speech about need to bring the Americas together in a solid alliance & I’d like to see a suggested draft on such a speech. At noon had about 300 of the gal’s who’ve been appointed in govt. at the W.H. to a stand up lunch. Last night ABC News had a story of an L.A. family about to be evicted. They bought a home in 1954 for $10,000 paid off the mortgage in 1965. In ’71 new street lamps were installed. Their assessment was $51. They never received a notice. Their home was sold for $170, then resold twice—again without any notice to them. All this time they’ve paid the taxes. Now a man appears with a court order claiming ownership & $6,100 rent due for the years they’ve lived there. I called Frank Reynolds & got all the dope—turned it over to Bill Clark. There must be something we can do about this. Tonite went to the inauguration of the 1st woman present [president] of “Nat. Press Club.” I did the swearing in which is a spoof. Thank Heaven I got some laughs.

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