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Diary Entry - 02/10/1981

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 02-10-1981

Key Facts

  • President is filmed throughout the day by an NBC film crew for "A Day in the Life of the President."

  • President Reagan attends the Harlem Ballet, noting how nice it is to see the "real good" going on in Harlem.

  • Polish supreme court offers compromise in farmers' demand for own union; Polish coal miners cancel planned strike as goodwill gesture aimed at new prime minister, Gen. Wojciech Jaruzelski.

View the President's Schedule
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This was a day. I was wired for sound. David Brinkley is doing “a day in my life” for T.V. showing Fri. His cameras catch me in every meeting etc. and I turn on the sound for those things suitable & turn it off for balance of meetings. Began with Brkfst. with labor leaders who supported me in campaign; Teamsters, Merchant Marine, Marine engineers & Air Controllers. Then office briefings, cabinet, 18 state Gov’s, & lunch with same. Meeting with Lane Kirkland AFL-CIO, Frazer of U.A.W. & head of United Mine Workers. Most of these meetings to outline what is in our ec. pckg. I’m afraid we’ll get opposition from this latter group. An early hurried dinner then to Kennedy Center for Harlem Ballet. This group represents effort of one man (Mitchell) to take kids off the streets of Harlem & make something of them and he has. They are really good and it was an enjoyable evening. Cong. Tom Evans & his wife, Cong. Rangel & wife whose district includes Harlem, the Bushes etc. We discovered some of the niceties that go with this job. At intermission in the room behind the Presidential box we found a W.H. usher on hand serving snacks & drinks. Went back stage & met the dancers. Found out no other Pres. had even gone to one of their performances. Came home to the news that Mike was being charged with fraud in connection with his “gas a hol” business. I suspect this is plain pol. and aimed at me.

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