Diary Entry - 02/09/1988

Key Facts
President Reagan meets with Prince Sa'ud al-Faysal Al Sa'id, Prince Iba Sultan al Saud Bandar, and Madani Nazer of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
President and Mrs. Reagan participate in a ceremony to receive the Annual Report to the Nation from the Boy Scouts.
Well the Iowa Caucus is over (thanks be.) On the Dem. side it’s Gephardt, Simon & Dukakis & for us Dole, Robertson & Bush.
Downstairs to the Dr. at 8:30—Dr. House was here & my new hearing aids. They are supposed to reduce background noise & I carry a small, slim control that regulates volume etc. Then to the office—some talk about Gephardts campaign trade bill. Jim Baker agreed to represent us at the Korean inaugural. Then talk about the idea of a Nat. Ec. Commission. We dont think it should be appointed til after the election. I’m not sure it’s a good idea at all.
N.S.C.—Brf. on F. Minister of Saudi Arabia due in to office in 20 min’s. Then talk of Panama. Noriega went on T.V. to say our military should be removed from the Canal Zone. Pres. of Panama has announced he’s asking Noriega to take a leave of absence. We have found out that Noriegas shouting that Admiral Poindexter had asked him to invade Nicaragua has been proved a lie.
A rumor that Israel is going to start new settlements in W. Bank. We are going to try & talk them out of that.
Then his Royal majesty the F. Minister. A short but good meeting. I think if anything it strengthened our relationship.
Desk time until 11:45. Then Nancy came over & the whole Nat. Boy Scout apparatus arrived. They presented me with their annual report & a crystal dish. Then Nancy became the 1st Lady to ever receive the silver Buffalo—Scoutings highest award. I placed it around her neck.
After lunch Edmund Morris came in for half an hour to interview me for the biography he’s doing. From there to the situation room for an N.S.P.G. meeting. Subject was the START treaty & a call to action by everyone. More desk time then a haircut & back up for some tapings. Finally over to the W.H. & into White Tie & tails—a quick early dinner & then down for the annual reception for all the Ambassadors, diplomats etc. Then up to bed after a long receiving line.