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Diary Entry - 02/08/1985

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 02-08-1985

Key Facts

  • The President and the First Lady host a luncheon in honor of the 75th Anniversary of the Boy Scouts of America.

  • President Reagan travels to Camp David for the weekend.

View the President's Schedule
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We had a meeting on putting together a program to help our Central Am. neighbors develop energy supplies. Right now they are dependent on imported oil which impoverishes them & holds back the possibility of ec. development. There is a potential in that area of hydro & geothermal etc.

Mayor Buck Rinehart of Columbus Ohio came in. What a breath of fresh air he is. With other Mayors belaboring us as to how our budget cuts will put them in a hole he has launched a local program to help us cut. One feature is a gift catalogue given to his citizens which contains everything the city has to buy—from light bulbs to fire engines and asks his citizens to give gifts of these things to the city. The take so far is almost $5 mil.

Nancy & I hosted the 75th anniversary lunch for the Boy Scouts. They made her an honorary Boy Scout. Some photos—a meeting with George S. on a variety of loose ends—ambas’s. & such & off to Camp David where it was cold & covered with snow.

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