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Diary Entry - 02/08/1982

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 02-08-1982
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Met with bi-partisan leadership on budget then with Repubs. alone. Then signed the bud. & sent it to the hill. Tip O’Neil still thinks I’m depriving the needy. Told the press I associate with the country club crowd. He plays golf & I dont. Lunch for N. Hockey League & All Stars who are playing a charity game here. Ten of the Am. Olympic team that beat Russia are now in the N.H.L. Left for Minn. to speak to rally for Sen. Durenberger. It was a very successful double event—a reception for $500 givers & then a rally—1,800 people. Great enthusiasm & very heartwarming reception. Flew on to Des Moines for the night.

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