Diary Entry - 02/04/1988

Key Facts
President and Mrs. Reagan attend the 36th Annual National Prayer Breakfast.
President Reagan meets with several Senators to discuss their vote on aid to Nicaraguan Contras.
Up at 6:20 & left for Prayer Brkfst. at Hilton at 7:30. It was as always a truly moving experience—140 countries represented & 1000’s of people in the great ballroom. I spoke briefly at the end of ceremonies & back to Oval O. & Nancy off to Indianapolis for affairs on drugs.
Our 1st meeting was a discussion on Contra vote & now will Sen. vote on it or declare it dead. I phoned Claude Pepper to thank him—also Bob Michel. Then N.S.C. & actually we continued on same subject. I had desk time until lunch. Rt. after lunch a meeting with Repub. leaders & Sens. plus 2 Demos. who are with us on Contra Sen. Boren & Rep. Stenholm. After a lot of talk—we decided on going for it in the Sen.—this was what I wanted all along.
That meant more phone calls & undecided Senators. Then Personnelle time with Bob Tuttle. Admin. time—a session & photos with former & present Presidential Assistants for Minority affairs. Next photos with about 20 girls & women—Womens Sports Foundation. They ranged from a little girl to the 91 yr. old woman who climbed a mountain. She had just finished climbing to the top of the Capitol. Then upstairs & more phone calls. Mermie & I ate dinner in the study & watched the Sen. debate the Contra issue. Then around 9:15 they voted. It was a cliffhanger & we won 51 to 48.
And so to bed. Nancy called—she’ll be back tomorrow & we go to Camp D.