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Diary Entry - 02/04/1988

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 02-04-1988

Key Facts

  • President and Mrs. Reagan attend the 36th Annual National Prayer Breakfast.

  • President Reagan meets with several Senators to discuss their vote on aid to Nicaraguan Contras.

View the President's Schedule
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Up at 6:20 & left for Prayer Brkfst. at Hilton at 7:30. It was as always a truly moving experience—140 countries represented & 1000’s of people in the great ballroom. I spoke briefly at the end of ceremonies & back to Oval O. & Nancy off to Indianapolis for affairs on drugs.

Our 1st meeting was a discussion on Contra vote & now will Sen. vote on it or declare it dead. I phoned Claude Pepper to thank him—also Bob Michel. Then N.S.C. & actually we continued on same subject. I had desk time until lunch. Rt. after lunch a meeting with Repub. leaders & Sens. plus 2 Demos. who are with us on Contra Sen. Boren & Rep. Stenholm. After a lot of talk—we decided on going for it in the Sen.—this was what I wanted all along.

That meant more phone calls & undecided Senators. Then Personnelle time with Bob Tuttle. Admin. time—a session & photos with former & present Presidential Assistants for Minority affairs. Next photos with about 20 girls & women—Womens Sports Foundation. They ranged from a little girl to the 91 yr. old woman who climbed a mountain. She had just finished climbing to the top of the Capitol. Then upstairs & more phone calls. Mermie & I ate dinner in the study & watched the Sen. debate the Contra issue. Then around 9:15 they voted. It was a cliffhanger & we won 51 to 48.

And so to bed. Nancy called—she’ll be back tomorrow & we go to Camp D.

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