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Diary Entry - 02/02/1984

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 02-02-1984

Key Facts

  • The President and First Lady attend the annual National Prayer Breakfast.

  • President Reagan holds a meeting with Director of CIA, William Casey.

View the President's Schedule
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Nat. Prayer Brkfst. I look forward to this each year. A hotel ballroom becomes a temple. There was even a high ranking E. German official there. I had obtained a story about a 4th Century Monk—Telemachus whose death ended gladiator contests in the Roman coliseum forever. Added to this was Gen. Romulus farewell to Am. when he left Wash. after 17 yrs. as Philippine Ambas. It is a most moving message. Back to W.H. & and a meeting with Bill Casey re some hush hush operations in Central Am. Up to the Capitol for lunch with all the Repub. Sens. & Rep’s. It was a good session. An incipient revolution on the part of some of our Repubs. has been nipped in the bud. Back to the W.H. and an interview with 3 Wall St. Journal editors. Then the Pres. of Tuskegee Inst. & a group came to present me with a souvenir but really for me to give them a grant of $9 mil. for an engineering (aeronautical) & space center named after Gen. Chappie James—1st negro flier & 4-star general. From there to East Room to announce recognition of Black Hist. month. Then rest of afternoon receiving annual Boy Scout report, receiving a model of the U.S.S New Jersey—the sailors call it my ship, then directors of the Export Import Bank—now 50 yrs. old & a photo with Bill Wilson.

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