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Diary Entry - 01/31/1985

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 01-31-1985

Key Facts

  • President Reagan attends the annual National Prayer Breakfast.

  • President Reagan phones singer Michael Jackson.

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Opened day with annual prayer breakfast. As usual it was a warm, spiritual experience. In my remarks I gave something of the history of the affair & then re-told the story I’d told last year about the little Monk who brought about the end of the gladiators fighting to the death in the Roman Coliseum. Back to the office and later in the A.M. met with the House Armed services committee & did Q&A on our arms talks, the MX etc. Geo. B. & I had lunch in the Oval O.

Mack Mattingly has a bill to install Line Item Veto for a 2 yr. trial run to see then if we can get it into the Const. I’m going to plug his bill in my St. of the U. address. I’m working on that speech now trying to shorten it. It’s too long. Had to overrule Geo. S. about keeping the U.N. Ambas. a Cabinet member. Geo. wants to stop that but I feel to change it just as Dick Walters takes over would lower his stature in the eyes of the others at the U.N. I told Geo. Dick would report through him—which helped a little.

Two officials of the Chesapeake R.R. came by with a beautiful album of photos of my whistle stop campaign ride in Ohio. Paul Laxalt called—it looks like the committee is going to approve Ed Meese for A.G.

Then I called Michael Jackson to see if he’d do a guest appearance in Jamaica at a big World Youth Affair in April.

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