Diary Entry - 01/29/1982

Key Facts
President Reagan receives a note from Margaret Thatcher regarding Poland.
President Reagan holds a meeting to discuss the tax exempt status of private schools.
A lengthy cable from P.M. Thatcher re Poland. She is working hard to get allies to be more forceful in their actions. Met with Sens. Hatch & Thurmond on Voting Rts. bill and “Tax Exemption Legis.” It was mainly Lawyer talk so I moved them on to settle the legal points. John Jacobs, Pres. of Urban League came in. I believe we can continue communicating & establish a good relationship. Sen. Hayakawa came in to tell me he will not run for re-election. I think that’s good. We’re going to present a program to Congress calling for reforms—not cuts in tax regulations to tighten loopholes particularly for business. They’ll gain about $12 Bil. in revenue but they are truly reforms & all in all well justified.