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Diary Entry - 01/29/1981

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 01-29-1981

Key Facts

  • President Reagan's first news conference of his presidency is today from 4:00 p.m. - 4:20 p.m

  • President Reagan orders a sixty-day freeze on pending government regulations.

  • President Reagan's Executive Order 12288 terminated wage and price controls.

View the President's Schedule
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Nancy had a great triumph with committee which rides herd on White House (to preserve its history) They were enthusiastic about what she has already done to upgrade the 2nd & 3rd floors. Rcvd. a 6 page cable from Ambassador Mike Mansfield who we’re keeping on as Amb. to Japan. A very scholarly & thorough analysis of our relations with Japan. It could be a model for all our diplomats.

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