Diary Entry - 01/28/1988

Key Facts
President and Mrs. Reagan participate in an arrival ceremony, a State Dinner, and dancing in honor of President and Mrs. Mohammed Hosni Mubarak of the Arab Republic of Egypt.
A thirteen-day standoff in Marion, Utah between police and a polygamist clan ends in gunfire, seriously wounding the group's leader, Addam Swapp.
Nicaragua's leftist government and Contra rebels have face-to-face peace talks, in San Jose, Costa Rica.
Report that Jim Wright has yielded to a couple of his left liberal reps. & is against us on Contra aid. Tony Kennedy has been approved for Sup. Ct. 14 to 0 in the Committee. Howard B. is going to meet with Dir. Sessions of the F.B.I. & Ed M. on charges of racist conduct by some F.B.I. agents regarding a Black agent.
A Civil suit has been brought against a Forest Ranger exec. on charges of discrimination against women in hiring Foresters.
N.S.C.—Was briefing for visit of Pres. Moubarak of Egypt. He arrived at 10 A.M. & the ceremony was held in the East Room because of cold. The usual receiving line then over to the Oval O. where he & I had a one on one for about 10 min.—then into the plenary in Cabinet Room for a 45 min. meeting. Sub. for entire time was middle east & getting Shamir to agree to a conference. It was a good meeting & we heard some good suggestions re Iran.
After lunch I met with some Repub. Cong. leaders—only one is doubtful on Contra aid.
A photo with office of communications staff & another dept. I had lots of desk time for a change. I phoned King Hussein re the idea of a conf. He agreed to meet with Phil Habib who we are sending over. Then at end of afternoon we ran Doug Morrows T.V. spots featuring numerous celebritys promoting the spin off ’s we get from our space program. Upstairs early to exercise & get ready for State Dinner. And the state dinner was like—the best yet. Everyone had a good time. Patti Austin sang—more guests danced than at any previous State dinner.