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Diary Entry - 01/26/1984

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 01-26-1984

Key Facts

  • President Reagan addresses a stadium of free enterprise supporters at the "Spirit of America" rally.

  • The President and First Lady attend the Republican Eagles' Third Anniversary Dinner-Dance.

View the President's Schedule
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We took up the business of Beirut again and came up with a plan for redeployment of the Marines but only after sending in Army training units who specialize in anti-terrorist measures. Don R. is going out tonite because Pres. Gemayal must be willing to ask for this change. Australian Tennis Star Evonne Goolagong came by for a photo. Then I was off to Atlanta—addressed a free enterprise meeting of some 12,000 people. The welcome was unbelievable. Most had heard last nites speech on T.V. They told me an additional 4000 who couldn’t get in the arena were seeing it on T.V. this afternoon (today’s speech) on closed circuit T.V. in a nearby auditorium. Then I spoke to about 1000 at the Republican Leadership Southern Regional conference. I wish the election was today. They were a truly united & enthusiastic group. Back to Wash. and at 10 P.M. over to meet another 1000 supporters having a Ball to celebrate 3rd anniversary of the admin.

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