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Diary Entry - 01/26/1981

Key Facts

  • President Reagan meets with Senator Barry Goldwater to discuss national defense and security issues.

  • The President has a full day of short, intense meetings to discuss the economy, national security, and Federal budget

  • TIME Magazine focuses on the power struggle in Poland in the article "The Government Gets Tough."

View the President's Schedule
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A meeting on terrorism with heads of F.B.I.—S.S.—C.I.A. Sec’s of St., Defense & others. Have ordered they be given back their ability to function. Next a Cabinet meeting on the deal with Iran. We just may not implement some of the Carter executive orders on grounds they violate our own laws. Hostages will arrive in country tomorrow. It seems some of them had some tough questions for Carter in Germany as to why they were there so long and why they were there to begin with. Rest of day meeting committee chairmen & Sens. on raising the debt ceiling.

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