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Diary Entry - 01/25/1988

Key Facts

  • President Reagan attends a Cabinet Meeting to discuss the State of the Union speech.

  • President Reagan attends his final State of the Union address and declares America "strong, prosperous, and at peace."

View the President's Schedule
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A grey, snowy day. Opened the day with talk of the Legislative schedule re I.N.F.—aid for the Contras & a new subject—the Cong. has proposed an idea for a Nat. Ec. Commission. They would weight it a little in favor of the Dems. Frankly I dont like the whole idea but it may be hard to block. On another subject I suggested bringing Jim Brady into some meetings—maybe once a week. He’s not mentally crippled & he’s always had good ideas.

N.S.C.—A letter from Margaret Thatcher who is trying to sell some Tornado fighter planes to Jordan. She needs our approval because of some American parts in those planes. She’s trying to head off sale of MIG 29’s by the Soviets. I’m on her side. Results of the Haiti election are in & while it was totally manipulated the winner is probably the best choice for a reasonable govt.

We’re going to ask Cong. next week for aid to the Contras. Non-lethal to begin with—then lethal in an escrow with a date certain for sending it if Nicaragua has fouled up the peace process.

Some optimistic talk about getting ratification of I.N.F. treaty but it will take a lot of work. Then rest of morning desk time until after lunch a brief Cabinet meeting about need for Cab. members to join in helping us get Congress moving.

Then a haircut—the phone calls from House & Senate telling me they are back in session. Signed a pack of photos & upstairs to think about St. of the U. address tonite. Nancy will be joined in her box by Dennis & Mermie, Dick & Patty, Anne & John & the Bradys.

The 7th & best St. of the U. I’ve never had such a reception with even the Dem’s. clapping. I was interrupted 37 times by applause. The speech ran 43 min’s. because of it. I surprised Nancy by singling her out in the gallery & praising her for her anti-drug activity.

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