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Diary Entry - 01/18/1984

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 01-18-1984

Key Facts

  • President Reagan holds a meeting with Prime Minister Mahatlin of Malaysia.

  • President Reagan accepts Attorney General Smith's resignation.

  • The President and First Lady enjoy the company of their friend Stuart Spencer at dinner.

View the President's Schedule
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I think I’ve been doing wrong in these diaries for 3 yrs. I’ve made them a log book of the days schedule and those schedules are all in the archives. I guess I should be noting other things so I’ll start now. Prime Minister Mahatlin of Malaysia was our visitor today with a number of his visitors. He is also a Doctor. We had a good talk although there aren’t any great problems between our two countries. He is a free enterpriser & is well along on bringing democracy & capital investment to is country. Attorney Gen. Bill Smith came in—he wants to bow out after 3 yrs. and take an active role in the coming campaign which he cant do as A.G. Sen. John Danforth has returned from his African trip. He brought over some slides of the starving people principally in Mozambique. He plead for immediate help for these people. The govt. of M. had thrown in it’s lot with the Soviets. Now the Soviets have failed them. I told our gang to get underway & we’ll ride to the rescue. Stu Spencer came to the house for dinner—we talked politics—what else? I’m glad he’s with the campaign.

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