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Diary Entry - 01/16/1982

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 01-16-1982

Key Facts

  • Al Haig returns to D.C. with bad news about the Middle East.

  • The Vatican and Great Britain re-establish full diplomatic relations, ending a rift from 1532.

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Al Haig home with bad news about the middle east. It’s possible Mubarak will abandon the Camp David Accords & settle down with his Arab brothers once he gets the Sinai back. At the same time Begin may renege on the Sinai although he swears he wont. Sharon is the bad guy who seemingly looks forward to a war. Al will be going back. On Cuba we’re sending Gen. Walters in to open talks with Castro. It’s just possible we could talk him into moving back in to this hemisphere. His ec. is flat and he’s losing popularity. Tonite the T.D. Club awards—it was a long banquet that didn’t end till almost 1:30 but it was a good evening & a big one for old Eureka. My old coach Ralph MacKinzie was given an award & I got to present it to him. Danny Thomas also was honored as was Al Haig.

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