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Diary Entry - 01/15/1983

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 01-15-1983

Key Facts

  • President Reagan makes a radio address to the Nation on the observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.

  • President Reagan attends a concert at the White House by the Harlem Boys Choir.

  • President Reagan meets with the Social Security Commission.

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Met with our team who are working with the Soc. Sec. Commission. Things are looking up—a commission report is possible. Did my radio prog. on Martin Luther King. In the late afternoon a concert at the W.H. by the Harlem Boys Choir & a reception in memory of Dr. King. I spoke on that subject & was well received by almost 250 mix of leaders B. & W. S.S. team came by early evening. I okayed a proposal. Within the hour they phoned—we have a deal supported by Tip et al. Vote on commission was 12 to 3—the 3 hold outs were Dem. Wagner & 2 R’s. Armstrong & Bill Archer.

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