Diary Entry - 01/14/1988

Key Facts
President and Mrs. Reagan attend tea with Prime Minster and Mrs. Noboru Takeshita of Japan.
President Reagan attends a Domestic Council meeting to discuss acid rain.
With the United States abstaining, the U.N. Security Council votes 14-0 to instruct Israel to stop deporting Palestinians and to allow those already expelled to return.
A discussion of how to reach the people during the year about our goals & achievements. Then a talk about the continuing belief by so many that we had been less then candid about Iran-Contra.
N.S.C.—a Korean spy story—the 24 yr. old woman arrested in Bahrain for the bomb plot against KAL plane has confessed her guilt & that she was a N. Korean agent ordered to sabotage the coming Olympics. Talk about the death of Pres. Chiang (Taiwan). We’re going to ask Ford to be rep. at funeral.
Ed Meese came in with letter from Bork who is going to resign as an appeals judge. We made an immediate statement. Met with Ann McLaughlin our Sec. of Labor. She’s getting into—child care problem for women workers in a very intelligent way.
Lunch and then meeting with Sec. Carlucci on his middle east visit. Kuwait is solidly supportive as is Saudi Arabia. They cant understand our Congress resistance to selling arms to them.
At 2 P.M. a Domestic Council meeting re Acid rain. We discussed several options but made no decision as yet. A farewell to Kathy Rice (speech dept.) she’s just married one of our uniform guards. Then Personnel meeting with Bob Tuttle. Admin time—new Commander of Am. Legion & then the Wall & Ceiling Industries—a very supportive group. A taping session including a tribute [to] Rev. Martin L. King. Upstairs for photo with Nancy & Sec. Bowen presenting us with survey showing sharp decline in drug use by teenagers. Then P.M. Takeshita & his wife for tea. And finally a quiet nite at home. My dinner—liquids getting ready for tomorrows exam at hospital—the regular every 6 mo. check since my operation.