Diary Entry - 01/13/1982

Key Facts
President Reagan writes that he is concerned about “another batch of Mi-G 24’s being shipped into Cuba by the Soviets."
President Reagan receives Diplomatic Credentials from Ambassadors.
An Air Florida jetliner taking off from Washington National Airport hits the crowded 14th Street bridge. Five passengers are rescued from the icy water.
Word that we wanted quiet leaked again about another batch of Mig 23’s shipped into Cuba by the Soviets. We’re reviewing possible options. Barry G. upset over our sale of F5E’s to Taiwan. I called him in Ariz.—we’re all straightened out. I told him in his speech (Feb.) in Taiwan to tell them I’m not retreating and intend to maintain our relationship with Taiwan come h--l or high water. Editorial Cartoonists presented me with a huge book containing caricatures etc. of me by every member. At 3:45 P.M. a 737 with about 70 people aboard crashed into the 14th Street bridge taking off from Nat. airport in a blinding snow storm. I’ve been watching the rescue efforts on T.V. The plane crushed several cars then sank leaving some passengers in the ice filled Potomac. What tragedy. I’ve called Pres. Cheek of Howard U. & Ralph Abernathy about our Civil Rights situation. They were very understanding.