Diary Entry - 01/12/1989

Key Facts
President and Mrs. Reagan participate in the Armed Forces Salute at Andrews Air Force Base.
President Reagan is interviewed by CNN.
Idi Arnin is expelled from Zaire and forced to return to Saudi Arabia.
Stopped at Dr. for a look at my bandage etc. Then over to office. Ken told me about Bill Bennett who retired to get out in the world. He has repented & Geo. B. is making him drug Czar. A lot of talk about last nights speech & the transition to new admin.
N.S.C.—Geo. S. is going back to Vienna this weekend. The resolution at U.N. against us on the Libyan shoot down failed. We’re having problems on our refugee allotment program. They all want to come to the U.S.
Then a visitor—P.M. Charles of Dominican Republic. Good to see a long time friend. She is a real leader in the Caribbean states.
Time to lv. for Andrews A.F. base—had to drive due to weather. At last minute Nancy had to back out. She’s really ill. This was for the Armed Forces Salute to us as our farewell. It was held in the new hangar built for the new A.F.1 (747). It’s magnificent. An inspection of troops—presenting the colors. I received a medal. Speeches by Admiral Crowe, Sec. Carlucci & me. I puddled up when the Marine band played Auld Lang Syne. Back to Oval O. for lunch with V.P. then outside to receive keys for new limo built by Ford for S.S. & Pres. detail. It’s magnificent. A little briefing for interviews with C.N.N.—Bernie Shaw. He’d taped Nancy earlier. Some needed desk time—then Congressional photo time. Several Cong.men & familys, a few Cong. staffers & familys. Then over to Dr. for new bandage—a little blood leaking in old one. Upstairs to get ready for Presidential Library Dinner here in W.H. It was a nice & fun evening—31 of us, some old friends & some new donors to the Library. Upstairs by 9:30 & so to bed.