Diary Entry - 01/10/1989

Key Facts
President Reagan addresses the White House Workshop on Choice in Education.
President Reagan attends a fundraiser luncheon for the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library at the National Archives.
Cuba begins to withdraw its troops from Angola, more than thirteen years after its first contingents arrived.
Into the office after a stop at the Drs., at 9 A.M. I really had a bad night—woke up at one point—4 A.M. & read for awhile.
Dennis (our son in law) called Ken to tell him his company had signed on to represent Uganda. The Dr. Koops report is not really a report. It is a letter to me expressing a need for research on how to evaluate the abortion set up. The matter of a pardon for North is now being looked at as—the judge should drop the charges. I signed the annual Ec. report.
N.S.C.—Colin told me 450 Cubans are leaving Angola. Also Soviets are stepping up their withdrawal from Afghanistan. A former Navy Petty Officer who was kicked out of Navy has been picked up for trying to sell info. to Soviets.
At 10 A.M.—over to E.O.B. for brief speech to address “White House Workshop on Choice In Ed.” I was only one of several speakers.
Then desk time and a budget meeting. I presented bound volumes of budget to a few who helped on budget. A short lunch 1⁄2 hour then on our way for a drop-by at Fundraiser lunch at Nat. Archives for F.D.R. Library. F.D.R. started the idea of Presidential Libraries.
From there a quick drop bye of a meeting of old friends—mainly from Gov. days in Calif. A stag group out for fun. Back to W.H. about 2 P.M. Desk time till 3 & a meeting with Pres. Azcona of Honduras. Then over to Dr. for sneeze shot & upstairs. Nancy came home. She has a Sinus infection. But tonite it’s a dinner for 38 guests—our Cabinet & spouses. It was most enjoyable. Arrival at 6:30 then Cocktails—dinner & home to bed for them by 9:15 P.M.