Diary Entry - 01/10/1985

Key Facts
President Reagan participates in a Cabinet Council meeting.
President Reagan attends a farewell reception in honor of departing Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency William Ruckelshaus.
Good returns continue to come in on the press conf. but more on the Baker, Regan job switch—we scored a 10. Today announced Don Hodel would go from Energy Sec. to Sec. of Interior. John Herrington moves from Personnelle to Energy & Dick Darman will be Baker’s deputy Sec. at Treasury.
Cab. meeting was on reorganizations—mainly to meld Trade Rep. & Dept. of Commerce. The briefing made it evident this is very complicated & right now I dont know which side I’m coming down on. Did a big session on tapings and dropped in on a farewell party for Bill Ruckleshaus.