Diary Entry - 01/08/1989

Key Facts
President Reagan returns to the White House following his surgery on his left hand the day before.
Forty-seven people are killed when a British Midland Boeing 737-400 carrying 126 passengers crashes in central England.
The Soviet Union promises to eliminate stockpiles of chemical weapons.
Up at 8 A.M. for final intravenous antiseptic in arm & then removal of all the tubes etc. Got up & watched T.V. talk shows. The Dr’s. paid a few visits & on one re-bandaged me with a smaller bandage. I’m still supposed to keep my arm at a level higher than my heart. Nancy arrived for lunch.
After lunch—packed up, said our “thank yous” & goodbyes, took photos with staff at Walter Reed. Then in the limo & back to W.H. Started catching up with some desk work. Watched S.F. 49ers beat the Chi. Bears & win a place in the Super Bowl against the Cinn. Bengals. Dinner—Ted G. with us. Watched “60 min’s.” & “Murder She Wrote” & so to bed.