Ronald Reagan
Reagan on Taxes
“Tax indexing is non-negotiable. It's a fight we'll take to the people, and we'll win.”
February 18, 1983
“Bracket creep is government's hidden incentive to inflate the currency and bring on inflation, and indexing will end that. It will end those huge, hidden subsidies for bigger and bigger government. In the future, if we get indexing plated firmly as a law of the land, the advocates of big government who want money, more money for their social spending, their social engineering schemes, will have to go to the people and say right out loud: We want more money from your weekly paycheck, so we're raising your taxes. Do that instead of sneaking it out by way of inflation, which they have helped bring on...Tax indexing is non-negotiable. It's a fight we'll take to the people, and we'll win.”
— Excerpted from Conservative Political Action Conference