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Lecture and Book Signing with Margaret Hoover

Fox News Analyst Margaret Hoover spoke about her new book American Individualism: How a New Generation of Conservatives can Save the Republican Party at the Reagan Library on July 27, 2011...

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Fox News Analyst Margaret Hoover spoke about her new book American Individualism: How a New Generation of Conservatives can Save the Republican Party at the Reagan Library on July 27, 2011.

An impassioned and persuasive political manifesto grounded in 20th century history and targeted at the most perplexing problems of the 21st century, Margaret Hoover’s American Individualism offers provocative ideas not just for reinvigorating the Republican Party, but for strengthening America in the decades ahead. Hoover challenges Republicans to embrace a conservatism that emphasizes individual freedom both in economic policy and in the realm of social issues, in order to appeal to the new generation of voters. Hoover rediscovers bedrock conservative values in the writings of her great-grandfather, President Herbert Hoover, who emphasized the vital importance of individual freedom to the American way of life and who sought to strike a delicate balance in identifying the limited yet essential role the federal government should play in the lives of individual Americans.

Margaret Hoover is a television and radio commentator on issues ranging from American politics to pop culture. A Fox News contributor, she is a “Culture Warrior” on Bill O’Reilly’s top-rated show. In on-air appearances and speeches, she has become known as an advocate for reforming the Republican Party through renewed emphasis on the conservative principles of individual freedom, fiscal responsibility, and strong national defense. Margaret is also the great granddaughter of President Hoover.


  1. Margaret Hoover