Past Event
Lecture and Book Signing Mark Levin - 06/2019
The Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Institute is honored to host Mark Levin for a lecture and book signing on his brand new book, Unfreedom of the Press, on Saturday, June 8, 2019...
Event Dates
The Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Institute is honored to host Mark Levin for a lecture and book signing on his brand new book, Unfreedom of the Press, on Saturday, June 8, 2019.
This event will sell out in minutes! Purchase your tickets immediately!
Tickets to the 6pm lecture cost $85 per person and include a served dinner in our Air Force One Pavilion following the lecture. Mark Levin has agreed to join us at that dinner. Books must be purchased through the Reagan Library Museum Store to receive signature and can be pre-purchased during the reservation process. People with pre-purchased books will have priority in the book signing line.
Is the main lecture hall sold out? You can still attend the lecture and be a part of the dinner with Mark Levin!
Once we have filled our main auditorium, we will be selling tickets for our “remote viewing” room. This entitles you to watch the lecture in another room on the Reagan Library campus via a live feed, and then join everyone in the Air Force One Pavilion for dinner following the lecture. Mark Levin will be eating dinner in the Air Force One Pavilion as well.
Tickets to the 6pm lecture in the remote viewing room cost $85 per person, as they still include a served dinner in our Air Force One Pavilion following the lecture. Books must be purchased through the Reagan Library Museum Store to receive signature and can be pre-purchased during the reservation process. People with pre-purchased books will have priority in the book signing line.
Thank you for your interest in attending the Lecture and Book Signing with Mark Levin.
To accommodate everyone at the book signing, Mark Levin will be signing his name only – no personalizations. In addition, no posed photography will be permitted. Only books pre-purchased through our website (the first 1300) will be guaranteed a signed book. You will be placed into the book signing line according to the hour time slot your reservation granted you (1:30pm-2:30pm; 2:30pm-3:30pm; 3:30pm-4:30pm; 4:30pm-5:30pm). People who purchase books on-site (or after the first 1300 online) will be placed into the book signing line if time permits.
In addition to the lecture and dinner, your ticket grants you access to tour the Reagan Library and Museum on June 8 from 4:30p.m. to 5:45p.m., and the Air Force One Pavilion from 7:30p.m. to 8:30p.m. Guests who want to tour the Reagan Museum and/or Air Force One Pavilion earlier in the day would need to purchase a separate Museum admission ticket. The Reagan Library is currently hosting The World of da Vinci, featuring rare folios of the authentic, 600-year-old Codex Atlanticus. Come discover the true Leonardo da Vinci through these sources of inspiration: a workshop of ideas and designs for everyone. This remarkable exhibition features over three-dozen reconstructions of Leonardo da Vinci’s fantastic machines, including over a dozen that are built life size including his Mechanical Lion, Flying Bicycle, Mechanical Bat and Great Kite. The two folios, known as 710 and 897*, will be displayed alongside their real life, reconstructed counterparts and allow you to explore the true artistry and virtuoso of da Vinci. For more information on the exhibit, please visit www.reaganlibrary.com/davinci.
Due to the large number of guests attending this event, please allow ample time for parking. Once our main parking lot is full, complementary shuttles will be available to transport you to the Library, and then back to your car following the event. Handicap parking is available in our Visitor Parking lot. If the designated handicap parking spaces are full, you will be directed to park at one of the shuttle stops. Our shuttles have wheelchair lifts to accommodate you. In addition, handicap guests may be dropped off at our main courtyard entrance and the driver can then secure a parking spot after dropping off.
The Mark Levin Show has been one of the top rated and hottest shows on Talk radio broadcasting daily on nearly 400 stations since its inception. He is also one of the top authors in the political arena. Mark’s show on WABC in New York City skyrocketed to Number 1 on the AM dial in his first 18 months on the air in the competitive 6:00 PM and hasn’t looked back since.
Mark has been a frequent guest and substitute host on The Sean Hannity Show, and has also been an advisor to Limbaugh, who frequently refers to him on the air with the nickname "F. Lee Levin." He is perhaps more well-known for his nickname, "The Great One," coined by his friend Hannity.
On Television, Mark heads “Life, Liberty & Levin” on The Fox News Channel, a show that goes beyond soundbites and clickbait with in depth analysis and interviews that effect todays issues that get only a minute or so on other outlets. Mark also hosts “LevinTV”, a nightly program available to subscribers on CRTV.
Mark Levin is one of America’s preeminent conservative commentators and constitutional lawyers. Levin is also the Editor-in-Chief of Conservative Review, a contributing editor for National Review Online. He has served as a top advisor to several members of President Ronald Reagan’s Cabinet – including as Chief of Staff to the Attorney General of the United States. In 2001, the American Conservative Union named Levin the recipient of the prestigious Ronald Reagan Award. He currently practices law in the private sector, heading up the prestigious Landmark Legal Foundation in Washington DC.
From five-time #1 New York Times bestselling author Mark R. Levin comes a groundbreaking and enlightening book that shows how the great tradition of the American free press has degenerated into a standardless profession that has squandered the faith and trust of the American public, not through actions of government officials, but through its own abandonment of reportorial integrity and objective journalism.
Unfreedom of the Press shows how those entrusted with news reporting today are destroying freedom of the press from within: “not government oppression or suppression,” he writes, but self-censorship, group-think, bias by omission, and passing off opinion, propaganda, pseudo-events, and outright lies as news.