Onstage at the Reagan Library with former Speaker of the House Paul Ryan
The Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation & Institute is proud to announce that former Speaker of the House Paul Ryan will be the Foundation’s first speaker in its new Time for Choosing Speaker Series, a new forum for leading voices in the conservative movement to address critical questions facing the future of the Republican Party. This event will be held in-person, outdoors, on the Reagan Library campus, with all social distancing protocols in place. Tickets are $85 per person, and include a served dinner following the program. Due to COVID19 restrictions, there is a limited number of seats available for this event, so we encourage you to book quickly. For those in attendance, face masks must be worn at all times, except at the dinner table.
During the Time for Choosing Speaker Series, formal speeches will be delivered at the Reagan Library leading intellectuals, U.S. representatives, U.S. senators, governors and emerging 2024 presidential candidates. Speeches will specifically address fundamental questions, such as “Why are you a Republican?,” “What should the Republican Party stand for?,” and “What are the Republican philosophies we can all agree on?”
"It is a great honor to kick off the Time for Choosing series,” said former Speaker Paul Ryan. “I look forward to addressing these fundamental and timely questions, but more importantly I am eager to hear how other Republican and conservative leaders, each with their own convictions and priorities, address the same questions. I am confident that our substantive, reasoned dialogue will do a service to the legacy of President Reagan and the party he once led."
The series derives its name from the iconic 1964 address Ronald Reagan delivered to support Senator Barry Goldwater’s presidential campaign. A political newcomer at the time, Ronald Reagan presented the country with a choice between "man's old-aged dream, the ultimate in individual freedom consistent with law and order" and "the ant heap of totalitarianism."
Learn more about The Time for Choosing Speaker Series, including a list of all confirmed speaker’s names, at www.thetimeforchoosing.com.