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Lecture and Book Signing with Lynne Cheney

Lecture and book signing with Lynne Cheney on her latest book, James Madison: A Life Reconsidered (Publish Date: May 6). Mrs. Cheney joined on stage by her husband, former Vice President Richard Cheney, who will shared in the discussion about the book.

No one was more crucial to the nation’s founding than James Madison. He was not only the father of the Constitution and author of the Bill of Rights, he was essential to setting the young Republic in motion. In her new biography of Madison, Lynne Cheney unearths the sources of his genius. She explores his rivalry with Alexander Hamilton, whose expansive vision of government Madison opposed. She traces his friendship with Thomas Jefferson and his relationship with his beloved wife Dolley Payne Todd Madison, the most glamorous woman of the day. In this compelling book, she makes clear Madison’s central place among our nation’s founders.

Lynne Cheney, wife of Vice President Dick Cheney, is the author or coauthor of twelve books, including six bestsellers, about American history for children.

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