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Past Event

A Time for Choosing with Congressman Mike Garcia

Congressman Mike Garcia will be the next speaker in the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation & Institute’s A Time for Choosing Speaker Series...

Past Event

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Congressman Mike Garcia will be the next speaker in the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation & Institute’s A Time for Choosing Speaker Series, a forum for leading voices in the conservative movement to address critical questions facing the future of the Republican Party. Through formal speeches delivered at the Reagan Library in Simi Valley, California, speakers specifically address fundamental questions, such as “Why are you a Republican?,” “What should the Republican Party stand for?,” and “What are the Republican philosophies we can all agree on?” Tickets are $65 per person and include a buffet dinner following the program.

A first-generation American citizen, Congressman Mike Garcia was a highly decorated United States Naval Officer and businessman before serving in the United States House of Representatives. His superb flying performance earned him the honor of becoming one of the first F/A-18 Super Hornet strike fighter pilots in the Navy. While on active duty, Congressman Garcia flew over 30 combat missions during Operation Iraqi Freedom in the skies above Baghdad, Fallujah, and Tikrit.

Congressman Garcia currently serves on two House committees: House Committee on Appropriations and House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology.


Ambassador & Mrs. Howard H. Leach
Larry R. Polhill

Phyllis Gorby
